Blue Hat Bow Tie Weekend

Join us March 28-31, 2025!

Blue Hat Bow Tie for CRC Awareness

Our history

In 2010, colorectal cancer survivor and Blue Hat Foundation founder Candace Henley and her family decided to wear blue hats to church to raise colorectal cancer awareness. The church pastor noticed and asked about the significance of their blue hats and an opportunity was born to share information with their community.

Since then, the Blue Hat Bow Tie initiative has grown far beyond Candace’s family and friends and has brought together many thousands of people. Events have included healthcare providers and other guest speakers, brought general health screenings to communities, and encouraged thousands to be proactive about their colorectal cancer screenings. And now, in partnership with the Global Colon Cancer Association, the Blue Hat Foundation is taking Blue Hat Bow Tie for Colorectal Cancer Awareness events to communities around the world.

Attendees of a Blue Hat Bow Tie event

Our toolkit

We have put together a toolkit to help you host your own Blue Hat Bow Tie for Colorectal Cancer Awareness event in your community. These events come in all sizes, from a few coworkers wearing blue hats to lunch and sharing colorectal cancer screening information to broader community health promotion events. The toolkit includes a quick start guide, customizable social media graphics and promotional posters, sample press release and letters to engage the healthcare community and local policymakers, and medically accurate information about colorectal cancer and screening, written in plain language, for you to share at your event.

Download the toolkit